Citizen Engagement

“My door is always open.” — Mayor Karin Wilson

Keeping citizens engaged and up to speed with what is going on in their community promotes accountability and prevents local government from planning and making decisions without you. Establishing transparent communication with more opportunities for community input was essential in restoring trust and public dialogue. I have also filled open and expiring positions on boards/committees with diverse backgrounds to comprise a better sampling of our community.

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My business card reads, “My door is always open,” and accessibility to communication is at its highest level employing quarterly newsletters enclosed in utility statements, weekly email, instant text messaging through Everbridge Notification System and a broadened social media outreach. Live streaming every meeting has been incredibly impactful.

Our kids are our future. Involving them in local government not only ensures their needs are met but increases the likelihood of their serving our City in the future. During my annual meetings with local students in each school, I expressed my desire to create a Junior City Council which was met with overwhelming interest. In October of 2018, the first 10-member Junior Council was established serving as the voice for Fairhope’s young adults.

Launched Fairhope 311 to substantially improve citizen services and communication with the City and Utility Departments.

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